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Homesource 4U Appliance Centre

Homesource 4U Appliance Centre

Here to help with all home appliance needs

Bosch GSN36AWFPG Freezer



Model: GSN36AWFPG Category: Tags: ,



Keep your groceries in tip-top condition for longer with this Bosch freezer. This model has a 242 litre capacity, so it can easily hold up to 13 bags of your favourite frozen ingredients. You can say goodbye to manual defrosts once and for all too, as frost free technology stops ice from building up in the first place. And because the VarioZone lets you remove the drawers and stack food on shelves instead, you have complete flexibility when dealing with bulkier items. It also comes with a reversible door, which can open from either the left or right depending on your kitchen’s layout.

Shipping and Services

Delivery Details

Important Notice! Shipping charges are for time and mileage, so if you also want us to fit your new appliance and dispose of an old one, please telephone to order the extra services before the delivery! Otherwise the engineer won't have time and there will be extra cost and delay in calling back. Fitting tariffs are here - Fitting & Other Services.

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