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Homesource 4U Appliance Centre

Homesource 4U Appliance Centre

Here to help with all home appliance needs

Bosch KIN86VFF0G Integrated Fridge Freezer


60-40 Split

Model: KIN86VFF0G Category:

60-40 Split


Keep your groceries in great condition with this Bosch fridge freezer. Its 255 litre capacity will hold 14 shopping bags filled with the weekly shop, and because it comes with frost free technology, you can wave goodbye to the dreaded manual defrost. This circulates cool air to stop icy build-ups, so you’ll never be left scraping it off the walls. Plus, if you’ve stocked up on the family’s fruit and vegetable supplies, the MultiBox drawer makes it really easy to see what’s inside. This model comes with reversible doors too, which means you get to decide if it opens from the left or right.

Shipping and Services

Delivery Details

Important Notice! Shipping charges are for time and mileage, so if you also want us to fit your new appliance and dispose of an old one, please telephone to order the extra services before the delivery! Otherwise the engineer won't have time and there will be extra cost and delay in calling back. Fitting tariffs are here - Fitting & Other Services.

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